Friday, August 08, 2008



a very auspicious date according to chinese..
it's oso chu 8 according to e lunar calendar..
it causes those expecting mums to choose to have their baby born via caesearn section at a auspicious timing/date..or even admit to hospital jus to induced baby so tat baby can be "forced" to be born on today..

eg: pt requested baby to be out 0n 08.08.08 ,8.08am..
a bit ridicuious??
jus felt tat as long baby's healthy,any timing is fine wif me..

work was hectic due to e date..lotsa caesearn cases thru out e day esp morning..

was wondering any mums gonna fight for the 1st baby born on national day ltr when e clock gonna strike 12 midnite..


Advanced happy national day


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