Thursday, November 02, 2006

exam's over~lynn's n es's birthday celebration 06

whoo!!!!! exam's finally over !! yippy~

hs 3032 paper's mcq was quite diff cos i didn't prepare alot of mcq but e saq was i've learn came out...

actually after e paper es,wina n me will be goin to meet lynn in town for es n lynn birthday celebrations but due to some unforseen circumstances..lynn gonna meet us for dinner instead of lunch n for jean,she will meet us after 3pm after her attachment..n meanwhile wina,es n me went to eat suki yaki sushi buffet at cinleisure..saw lots of NYP friends at e restaurant n seems like NYP nursing students love to eat sushi buffet ya..haha.. we ate alot n e most funniest thing is tat es can't finish her goyza n wina gotta finish up e remaining soft shell crab though they were already full til bloated..n for me i've already finish eatin my share..heng ah!! ate til 3 plus den mag n anhie came to meet us after they had eaten their tekkpanyaki,we went ard wisma,taka, far east for some retail therapy n jean finially came to join us..

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eat til so full de nana..

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mag n our class "suai ge" angie

we walked til we are damn tired n legs are already gonna give way,jus nice jean wanna eat long john so we went there to take a break b4 more shopping..and it was e moment es open her birthday present....

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eS peeping into e hello kitty bag..

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting was a retro flowery blouse n a super cute sanrio hello kitty signature frame..smght for her to hang outside her rm,toilet +++ haha....

den mag n angie went hm first cos they were dead tired frm e shopping n e exam so left es,wina,jean n me n we slowly proceed to PS for more shopping .. jean so poor thing ya til got attatchment e next day n was so not feeling tat well so she went hm first while we waited for lynn to come n we went to TCC for dinner..

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TCC at PS...

the outlet was nice n e ambience felt was so soothing to slp..haha.. n relaxed n plus e service there was gd n food was delicious..i shall bring baby there someday..

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lynn n wina

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n it was time for lynn to open her present

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting consists of a jap dictionary,her fav pocky,hi chew,a super nice necklace n her fav toy...hope she like it ya..

after tat our food came n it was so yum yum..

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caesars salad n curry chix patty..

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somthg like samosa but e filling was a mixture o cheese n tofu, wedges wif cheese dip

den we still ordered cake but i was too full for any food n wat follows up was chatting,chatting n more CHATTING.. i had a fun time laughing n it was so enjoying..after tat we went back to PS n headed hm ard 10 plus..

to eS n lynn : happy birhday to u al... hope u 2 did hav a fun time today wif us n hope all yr wishes for e year to come true n as for es hope u n mic can last long long n for lynn hope all troubles get away frm u n gd luck for yr jap course k...luv ya!!!! muacks~

es,wina,jean n let me know if u all wanna pic...tks..

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